Update user role

Version Available
Personal Blog (free) No
Commercial / School / Non-profit (premium) Yes
Properties Value
Group User Management
Mandatory No

Setting description

This setting only make sense if you have configured Azure AD Group to WordPress role mappings. If you did configure such mappings, you can instruct the plugin to check and possibly update a user’s WordPress role dynamically each time a user signs into your website or not. In other words, each time a user signs into your website, the plugin will search in the login information received from Microsoft for Azure AD Group membership information when and only when you defined Azure AD to WordPress role mappings. If this option is not checked, the mappings will only be applied once when the user is created.

Usage / Example(s)

Simply check the box to activate the plugin’s ability to dynamically check and update a user’s WordPress role based on his Azure AD group memberships.


Please ensure that a user’s ID token (sent by Microsoft as a response when a user signs in) contains the membership information for that user. To accomplish this, please use the following instruction.

Please make sure to configure a role mapping for your WordPress administator(s) to prevent the plugin from updating the administrator’s role to the default role for the main site, when mappings are used but not mapping is found that maps an Azure AD group membership to the WordPress administrator role. To prevent your administrator from being removed from the administrator role, another settings Do not update existing admins is checked by default to prevent an existing adminstrator’s role from being updated when signin into the website.


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