Features that Meet your Business Needs

WPO365 plugins for WordPress are your Swiss made army knife when you need to integrate WordPress and Microsoft. Below you find our most powerful features.


Supported Identity Providers

  • Entra ID / Azure AD
  • Entra Ext. ID
  • Azure AD B2C
  • Multiple IdPs
  • Multitenancy (AAD)

Supported Protocols

  • Open ID Connect
  • SAML 2.0

Require “Sign in with Microsoft”

  • Intranet Mode
  • Force SSO for the login page
  • Authenticate-Only
  • Intercept Manual Logins
  • Dual Login

Sign Out

  • Single Sign-out
  • Sign out of Microsoft 365

User experience

  • Microsoft Teams (silent authentication)
  • Remove WP Admin Bar
  • Hide “Sign in with Microsoft” Button
  • Choose Landing Page
  • Customize “New User” Emails
  • Customize Loading Template
Single Sign-on with Microsoft for WordPress

Select one of the following topics for further information: Single Sign-on, Multiple Identity Providers, Advanced Login Options and Microsoft Teams.


Sending WordPress Email using Microsoft Graph

WordPress Mailer

  • Send using Microsoft Graph instead of SMTP
  • Send as HTML
  • Send (large) Attachments

Audit / Log

  • Mail Catcher / Log Viewer
  • Auto-Retry failed Emails
  • Send again
  • Save to Sent Items

Send From

  • Send from Shared Mailbox
  • Send on behalf of

Test / Staging

  • Enable Staging Mode (no emails are sent)
  • Send Test Email

Select the following topic for further information: Sending Mail using Microsoft Graph.



  • When a user signs in
  • Scheduled (pulled from Microsoft Graph)
  • Near Real-Time (SCIM, Entra SAAS Application Provisioning )


  • Create new Users
  • Update existing Users
  • (Soft) Delete existing Users
  • M365 Profile Picture as Avatar
  • Entra ID Profile Attributes as WordPress User Fields / Meta
  • Apply Roles + Access Assignments / Enrollments

Select one the following topics for further information: WPO365 User Synchronization (pull), User Provisioning (SCIM), Roles + Access, Custom User Fields and Avatar.


Azure AD group membership based WordPress roles assignment

WordPress Roles

  • Entra ID Groups to WP Roles
  • Entra ID User Attributes to WP Roles
  • Entra ID App Roles to WP Roles
  • Login / Email domains to WP Roles

Restrict Access

  • By Entra ID Groups
  • By Audiences
  • By Login / Domain


  • By Entra ID Groups

LearnDash Courses / Groups

  • Auto-enroll by Entra ID Groups

itthinx Groups

  • Auto-enroll by Entra ID Groups

Select one of the following topics for further information: AudiencesRoles + Access and LearnDash.


Login Experience

  • Custom Login Domain URL
  • Embedded Login 


  • Create Users in Azure AD B2C / Entra Ext. ID from WordPress
  • Update Username (Email)
Azure AB B2C for WordPress

Select one of the following topics for further information: Microsoft Entra External ID and Azure AD B2C.




  • RESTful API that transparently gives developers access to selected Microsoft Graph API endpoints *
  • Various PHP hooks *