Azure AD B2B user flow for Google users for WordPress

The WPO365 | LOGIN plugin can help you to connect your WordPress website with users outside of your organization using Azure AD B2B or Azure AD B2C.

External identities

With External Identities in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), you can allow people outside your organization to access your apps – such as your WordPress website – and resources, while letting them sign in using whatever identity they prefer. Your partners, distributors, suppliers, vendors, and other guest users can “bring their own identities.” Whether they have a corporate or government-issued digital identity, or an unmanaged social identity like Google or Facebook, they can use their own credentials to sign in.

Azure AD supports a variety of scenarios from business-to-business (B2B) collaboration to access management for consumer/customer- or citizen-facing applications (business-to-customer, or B2C).

  • Azure AD B2B Collaborating with business partners from external organizations like suppliers, partners, vendors. Users appear as guest users in your directory.
  • Azure AD B2C Customers of your product. These users are managed in a separate Azure AD directory.

See for a full comparison of the two External Identities solutions.

Azure AD B2B self-service user flow for Google users for WordPress

In the latest knowledge base article you will find a comprehensive guide on how to configure a simple Azure AD B2B based self-service sign-in and sign-up user flow for Google users that you want to allow access to your WordPress website using the WPO365 | LOGIN plugin.

to WordPress with Google for Azure AD B2B
to WordPress with Google for Azure AD B2B

For Azure AD B2C please refer to this article

Extensions with this feature

The WPO365 | LOGIN+ extension will add improved support for Azure AD B2B and B2C.


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