Intercept manual logins

When checked, the plugin will intercept any login attempt and check whether the user name entered in the login form is a valid Office 365 Azure AD user name. If yes, the plugin will forward the login request to Microsoft instead.

Pages Blacklist

The plugin will skip session validation for pages (without host or path) entered here. For example, the wp-login.php entry in this list makes it possible that you can still navigate to the default WordPress login page and logon using a WordPress-only account.

Goto after

An absolute URL where Office 365 users, who attempted to sign in manually, will be redirected to after successfully signing in with Microsoft.

Application Secret

Optionally, the plugin retrieves additional Office 365 user fields and a user’s profile phoot by calling the Microsoft Graph. To be able to do so, you will need to create an App Key for your registered app in the Azure Portal.

Your (own) domain

This settings is used to determine whether a user is an Office 365 user or not, assuming that the user’s login name is equal to the User Principal Name which is equal to the user’s email address.

Show O365 user fields

When checked, the plugin will retrieve additional fields e.g. Job Title, Office Location, Mobile Phone and Business Phone Numbers from Microsoft Graph and adds these to a new “Office 365 Profile Information” user profile section.